The Archimedes Group Model with Ryan Narus

by | Dec 21, 2020


The Archimedes Group Model with Ryan Narus

Dec 21, 2020

Ryan Narus is a double graduate of Wake Forest University with an undergraduate degree in Psychology and an MBA with concentrations in Operations and Marketing. He’s a self-made real estate entrepreneur who owns and operates 16 mobile home parks spanning 1520+ units. He began his career as an award-winning salesman, then took that knowledge to write and sell a book. After graduating with his MBA, Ryan went to work for Wells Fargo’s Operations Leadership Program. Ryan works full-time on operating and growing the Archimedes’ Group Portfolio.

[00:01][02:45] Opening Segment

  • Let’s get to know Ryan Narus
  • Ryan talks about his background

[02:46][15:47] The Archimedes Model

  • Monetizing your space
  • Three legs of every commercial real estate deal
    • Find a person who owns a property and is willing to sign the deed to you
    • Have money to pay for the property
    • Operate with the property
  • Handicap of not having any money to acquire a property
  • Ryan’s recipe for success
    • Get to know himself
    • Formulate a strategy and allow some flexibility to pivot in time
  • Ryan talks about how he developed his strategy

[15:48][19:13] Closing Segment

  • Ryan’s advice to aspiring investors
    • Your risk has to match your reward, and you’ve got to divide it by time.
  • How Ryan stays on top of his game
    • Learning Spanish to connect with law-abiding clients who can only speak Spanish
  • Making the world a better place
  • How to reach out to Ryan – links below 
  • Final words from Ryan and Me

Tweetable Quotes:

“You can complain, or you can go make money.” – Ryan Narus

“You don’t have to have money, don’t let that be an excuse. You can do it too!” – Ryan Narus

“The easiest and hardest thing to do is to know thyself. You have to know yourself extraordinarily well. It’s the easiest thing in the world to overlook.” – Ryan Narus

“Know thyself. If you know exactly what you want, who you are, what you like, what you’re good at, what you hate. That is the foundation that you have to build on.” – Ryan Narus

Resources Mentioned:


Connect with Ryan on LinkedIn. Visit his website at 

Connect with me:

I love helping others place money outside of traditional investments that both diversify strategy and provide solid predictable returns.

Call: 901-500-6191



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